Our Past Projects

Where We’ve Been
We began in 2014 with a vision and a survey. After collecting responses from over 1400 members of the community in 2015, we selected 10 key areas to address their greatest concerns. The original focus areas became the first 10 Projects: Bacon Capital USA, Focus on Fairmont, Kids Just Want to Have Fun, Beautify and Maintain our Waterways, Destination Downtown Fairmont, Enhance Fairmont’s Natural Water Park, Expand our Multi-Purpose Trail System, Fairmont Area Community Center, Retail Business Recruitment, and Reuse Reimagine Vacant Buildings. Over time, the original projects merged with one another or external organizations in order to best serve the community.
Past Projects
1. Vote Yes
Campaign to pass the 1/2% sales tax
2. Community Center
Campaign, brainstorming and research to bring a community center to Fairmont
3. Fairmont Multi-Purpose Trail System
Expand our current bike/walking trails around the city
4. Reuse-Reimagine Vacant Buildings
Cleanup or reuse the vacant buildings in Fairmont